Jul 31

Taking a Second Look

DSC03306“In Season and Out”

It is easy in our culture to slip into a mindset that is can be predictable. This picture is a great example. With a pumpkin and a cat on the roof, does it have a significant meaning? Was it posed? Should this picture only be posted during Halloween? The truth is this cat wouldn’t have a clue about any holiday, it just loves to climb up on the neighbors roof and watch the world go by. The pumpkin perched on the  fence could be a harvest prize or a holiday decoration.

Does everything have to have a label or interpretation? It is understood we try to understand our world by our interactions of the past, family experiences, traditions and cultural . What happens when things get changed? What if we began purchasing Christmas trees and decorating them in August? Would others think we are strange?

We know there are four seasons in the year, winter, spring, summer and fall. We have to adjust our lives accordingly to each season. Yet there are other seasons in our lives. They can deal with relationships, work, age, families, and our life styles. When young we are free to express ourselves in certain ways. As we get older, as seasons change hopefully we will mature, doing so, we change our ways once again. Whatever season we find ourselves in, let us remember to celebrate life to the fullest. Lets dare to be bold, free, unique and authentic in every realm. Live while we are alive!

Jul 30

The Sound of Your Voice

Eds VOCan Anyone Hear You?

Although there are times when we may be quiet, I question if anyone would notice? We are bombarded with many sounds. There is the media, radio and television, Internet, and input from all those around us. It is difficult to find a place where we can experience quiet. Perhaps if we went on a Pilgrimage and walked where the road is less traveled there would be less noise.

There are moments we have the opportunity to communicate with others in a variety of ways. Calls, texts, letters, emails, social media are the norm. Let us use these opportunities to share our hearts with those we care about. While we have the freedom and ability, lift our voices to share love and encouragement with others.

Jul 08

Can I Hear Your Voice?

I Will Let My Voice Be Heard

While it is possible, shall we speak up and share our thoughts with others? Are we bold and courageous, willing to take risks and proclaim our dreams as others have in the past? Is it OK to dream big in a world that seems to be crashing in all around us?

If you were free to say what is on your mind, would you let your voice to be heard? If so, what topic would you decide to talk about? There are so many areas that can be covered, it is best to discuss that which we are most passionate about. What happens if we desire to talk about things others don’t want to hear about?

We have many decisions to make in life. One of which is will we let our voices be heard?

Jul 07

Taking time to relax


What May We Find Hidden Within?

This scene can be viewed in many ways. Someone may be camping on the beach for a mini-vacation. Children may be using this tent for a dressing room, changing out of wet suits to dry clothing. Perhaps a new mother is enjoying the privacy provided within to nurse her infant while her family members are out building sand castles chasing the waves.

A time to escape from daily duties and chores at home is a wonderful opportunity. To take a moment to make new memories and relax is a gift to be enjoyed. Even if we can’t get away to the coast, we can step outside and look up at the stars at night. Camping in the back yard, or playing silly games can be a great way to restore our health and gain a new mindset.

It is an awesome experience to be able to lay down under the stars and see the heavens declare the Glory of God. What we observe is beyond our human comprehension, yet we can celebrate by acknowledging a beauty words can not describe. Knowing we can share this experience with others, or enjoy quiet moments to reflect on the universe, is free of charge and a gift provided night after night for all to enjoy.

Jul 01

Taking Time To Reflect

Faith on the beach 12-31-14TAKING TIME TO REFLECT

A special moment in time can occur as we stop to reflect on things in life. While enjoying the beach it is also a great opportunity to grasp a new perspective on life. No matter how big our problems are, they will pale in comparison to power and the vast body of water that lies before us.

As we breathe the fresh air and feel the cool ocean breeze it provides a calming force. Even if we cannot literally be on the beach, we can visualize the waves as they roll upon the beach. There is an opportunity to listen to the ocean waves off the Internet, while practicing deep breaths exercises, relaxing our neck and shoulders, and focusing our mind on pleasant thoughts. This is just one of many beneficial tools we can us to improve our health care.

Asking simple questions can be instrumental to help us visualize our desired place of peace. What are we visualizing? What does the environment look like? Are there many people on the beach or is it isolated? Is the wind blowing hard, or is there a gentle breeze? What time of day is it? Is it high tide or low?  Are we alone or with another? Is it warm or cold? These factors will have an impact on how one is able to relax.

As we practice visualizing our times of relaxation, day dreaming, or actively creating a mini vacation from within, we will find our stress level decreases. It is a great way to spend a few minutes to be creative, to escape from the daily grind, and to decompress.  We have permission to do so. This can be part of a great treatment plan and continued long term goal for improved health.

Where is your special get away?

Jun 28

The bare necessities in life.

192Being Content In Whatever State We’re In

Staying in a less than five star hotel, a place with minimum amount of furniture is a great way to be humbled, as well as reminded of the many gifts we have. There was one who was willing to share what she had, a gracious and beautiful young woman from a different country whose culture does not use beds.

I am grateful to have a place out of the elements and dangers of society, safely resting for the night behind a locked door as night approaches. All the meanwhile, I was learning how to be content in whatever state I am in.

Beauty in life shows up in even the most simple things. A soft pillow, a comforting blanket, a bonus could  include a gift of a light, with the ability to read; these are all things we should never take for granted. There is much to be thankful for. Yet how many times do we expect to have the comforts of life exactly the way we desire?  What happens if things get changed drastically?

As I realize life is not fair, I see many business that were lost to fire. We all could lose everything in a twinkling of an eye. What is it that keeps us motivated in times of uncertainty? Love and patience works wonders. For truly we didn’t bring anything into this world, nor will we take anything out.

What we need to do while we can experience life is to love and let others know they are cherished as well. Sharing a five star hotel, or a pile of blankets on the floor to provide padding, is a great way to practice being patience and kind

Jun 23

Contrasting Beauty With Bareness

20160327_142354Beauty In A Black And White World

Taking a moment to share deep thoughts with another may seem to hard. What can we say when we find ourselves in a place where there are no words to be expressed?  An Erie silence can prevail in a place of trauma, fear, anxiety, or even death. At that time, perhaps only the eyes of the soul can communicate.

Things may seem upside down, as if nothing makes sense; what seemed like beauty may suddenly be viewed as darkness. At times like these may we find special moments filled with color in a very black and white world. They may be observed in ways we would never have seen before. It is during these times we search for simple things in life.

As this precious rose reaches for the light of day it lives in contrast with barren trees and winter remains. There is beauty that surrounds us, yet we must have eyes to see. Enjoying each precious gift of life no matter how big or small will continually enrich our soul. Let us be aware day by day.


Jun 21

Reading the Signs?

20160211_165408“Life Guard Off Duty- Save Yourself”

Although we may notice the signs, hear the sirens, see the red flags waving, we still have the freedom to ignore all of them! Knowing that, it is good to ask, why would we purposefully charge into a place we were cautioned to stay away from? Why do we at times, continue going down a path even when we see a sign posted, “Bridge out, road closed”?

We may have been d-sensitized to the reality we live in a cold harsh environment. If that is the case, it is time to increase our awareness. It is important to remember there are only a few things that actually separate us from the cold nights or hot summer days.

Although a lifeguard generally relates to issues in water, in this context it is referring to life in general. Are we depending on another to guard our lives? As we recognize we are responsible for our choices we can begin creating safe zones and boundaries. In them we can enjoy resting, taking time to recuperate from hard work, or other issues as needed, then move forward  to accomplish our goals.

Within those objectives we can celebrate life and embrace the freedoms we hold; ever responsible for ourselves, then others as appropriate.

Jun 21

What Are You Waiting For?

20160324_181835-1Waiting Patiently Together

There are times when nothing can be done and we have to be still. How many of us get uncomfortable knowing we have to be patient and wait? What we are hoping for and what will actually occur is unknown. Only time will tell the true outcome.

What can we do to prepare ourselves? There will be future moments when we will be required to wait once again? Learning to accept things we cannot change, and change the things we can, and using wisdom to be able to know the difference is helpful.

There are many experiences in life that require our cooperation to be still. At times we may stand back and watch others appear on the stage of life and perform, even if we secretly desired to be the star of the show!

While waiting for a child to be born, or watching a flower blossom, we know we cannot rush the process. There are many other beautiful moments, or even tragic ones that require waiting and being still. Patience and peace may spring forth as we wait. As difficult as it is, freedom manifests while practicing being present without any expectations for a desired outcome or agenda.


Jun 13

Hands tied behind your back?

20151213_170459For some it would appear things come naturally, where others struggle doing even the simple things in life. As this picture demonstrates, determination prevails, even if we seem to get tied up momentarily. Obviously preparing something nutritious to eat is work. Being successful creating food others enjoy can be a major feat, especially for those who find cooking is not their strong suit.It can be considered an art form. Many demonstrate their love and take artistic license in their creations. There are others who dread the thought of even entering a kitchen, avoiding it like the plaque. They tread lightly when forced to enter, looking for exit signs immediately.

Being creative can be revealed in many forms and displayed in unique ways that only the creator can accomplish. We are all gifted to be creative in one way or the other.

“A musician must make music, a painter must paint, a poet must write to be ultimately at peace.” Maslow

One who loves playing instruments will see music as a gift that touches the soul. A painter will enjoy painting images to provide beauty to the eye of the beholder. A writer sees words as gifts to be formed into word pictures; showing a scene or telling a story.

Whatever strengths we have been given, gifts or talents, let us use them, for we know it is never too late to start. As shown above, even if we have our hands tied, (these were for demonstration purpose) we can enjoy the journey .

May 31

Seeing Beauty Surrounding Us

1458865418934Life is Colorful

Even in the midst of a busy day, we can take a moment to see the beauty that surrounds us if we will take time to look. Individually or together, life is displayed in many colors and many forms.

To be thankful for the gift of sight and insight is a great way to spend our time as we pass through this journey we call life.

May 30

Waiting too long?

20160122_133438Someday I Am Going To…

We are here for a limited time offer. We may find there are many things we desire to accomplish in our lifetime. Unfortunately, there are somethings that we may have waited too long to do, or can no longer  physically accomplish.

It is a good day to begin, work on, or complete things we have a passion to do in our lives. Spending a lot of time in regret, and reflecting on areas of the past where we failed, only robs us of the opportunity to be successful today.

Never being too late to start, even taking small steps, brings us to toward our new goals. Someday is not on the calendar. If we are thinking someday we are going to …?.. we will never arrive.  May we practice being aware of the present moment and make decisions to live while we are alive. Let us balance work with times of rest, and enjoy our abundant lives, for they truly are a gift to us.