Jun 02


Many say, “Time feels like it has sped up! It is flying by. I open the curtains in the morning and the next thing I know I am closing them at night.” What do we do with our precious minutes, hours and days? The answer will vary depending on who we are, and where we are in life. However, today is a great day to grow. It is our choice to choose what area we want to focus our energy on, financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we create the best environment possible to spend our time, we also provide space for new growth while expanding our horizon.

Jul 08

Can I Hear Your Voice?

I Will Let My Voice Be Heard

While it is possible, shall we speak up and share our thoughts with others? Are we bold and courageous, willing to take risks and proclaim our dreams as others have in the past? Is it OK to dream big in a world that seems to be crashing in all around us?

If you were free to say what is on your mind, would you let your voice to be heard? If so, what topic would you decide to talk about? There are so many areas that can be covered, it is best to discuss that which we are most passionate about. What happens if we desire to talk about things others don’t want to hear about?

We have many decisions to make in life. One of which is will we let our voices be heard?

Apr 17

Surprises in Life

Hope Springs Eternal

Good job! Isn’t it wonderful when we hear those words? At times we may forget to acknowledge when we actually do something well. It is important to remind ourselves we are created with limitations as humans,  therefore when we accomplish that which we desire it is noteworthy. Working toward our goals, even when we can only take very small steps will still move us closer to the finish line.

Hope is a the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings a tune without the words – and never stops at all.   Emily Dickinson

Embrace the day, it is a gift to each of us to enjoy and share.



Dec 09

Is It A Coincidence?

1-3-11 412Coincidence is God’s way or remaining anonymous. – Albert Einstein

How many times do we have things happen in our life that can not be explained? Life is a gift with many twists and turns that continually teach us lessons along the way to create who we are.

Taking time to reflect on the moments we have experienced in the past, we may see many things that we dismissed as coincidental in a different light now. Could it be that there were other factors in place that we didn’t see yet, were instrumental to bring to pass an occurrence or event?

Do we know what the word coincidence actually means? Do we causally say, “Oh that was just a coincidence”, when it may have been something else we can not explain.

An event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental, is one definition of a coincidence. The quality of occupying the same position or area of space is yet another. Knowing that, which definition would best describe our personal experiences, or was it a coincidence after all?