May 28

Anniversaries – Good or Bad?


20160311_200131“Celebrating Simple Pleasures in Life”

A Day of Remembrance is one definition of the word anniversary. Are we compelled to celebrate a particular day out of duty or guilt? Are all anniversaries meant to be joyful, one that requires a special meal, a lovely card and perhaps beautiful flowers?

The fourth of July weekend is a special holiday, as well as an anniversary marking another year of  freedoms. Few might have the experience of someone asking them to get married on the fourth of July, where others may be told their lover wants a divorce. Do they celebrate the fourth the same way, perhaps with fireworks as well, or do they suffer the anniversary of their loss all alone in a quiet place?

Losing a job or gaining new employment are significant events in our lives. Do we celebrate the date we were set free from a job we might have despised? Do we embrace the negative thinking of ourselves as losers, failing to keep something even after we grew to hate it? How can we gain new employment without letting go of the old job? In the same way, how can we enjoy a new relationship if we are not willing to let go of a toxic destructive one?

Whatever choices we make over our lifetime, whatever decisions we face, they create days of remembrance; making an anniversary of some kind. Knowing life is not a dress rehearsal, lets enjoy all that is provided to live an abundant life. Knowing the choices we make, and the desires we embrace will  always have consequences; lets make good choices that will open doors to help us celebrate life freely. By genuinely creating new memories they too may become another positive anniversary in the future.

May 27

What Stands Between You and Your Dreams?

20160124_134303What Does This Mean, Protection or Freedom?

There will never be another now…I will make the most of today.

There will never be another me…I’ll make the most of myself.  (Author unknown)

A sobering thought comes with the knowledge that there is no one else who can actually do this for you. Is it true we have to wait for the perfect time before we can experience our dreams? It is easy to fall into a pattern of faulty thinking that rob us of the ability to enjoy life. It is called the, “If – Then” thinking. If I lose twenty pounds then I can go buy myself new clothes. If I accomplish this task, then I can celebrate that… If I get a new job, then I will be happy. If I get married, then I’ll be fulfilled. If I get a divorce, then I can be free. The word ‘If’ always qualifies the ‘then’, therefore the then is never allowed to come into the now.

That is not to say we should not set goals and look forward to the rewards of fulfilling them. Yet if we embrace the “If – then thinking”, knowingly or unknowingly, we are hindering our ability to live and enjoy life where we are in the present, missing our unique and individual processing called life.

Looking at the fence above, we can see it is between the people on the bluff and the ocean below, knowing the fence was put there for our protection. This visual serves as a reminder. There also may be many physical or mental barriers (fences/walls) for protection, set up between us and our dreams. Are we sabotaging our ability to fulfill our passion and destiny? Just as the fence was put up to protect us from harm, have we put up our own emotional de-fences to protect our heart from harm?

It us good to know we can be free. Are we willing to climb over the fence to get to freedom? Are we willing to go around the fence if we have to so we can find another way to fulfill our passion? These are the questions each of us will have to answer at the end of the day. Are we ready to do so? Liberty awaits.

May 23

What is Reality Today?

20151201_094905What do you see? A glass table, with an awesome eagle underneath, wings spread to bear the weight of the Word, time and beauty.

A gift of flowers representing love, a Word of Knowledge to assist those who are desiring Wisdom, and the hour glass structuring the passing of time, all combined for those pursuing life more abundantly.

As we tap into the life forces available to those who desire truth, let us walk with integrity. We may enjoy the abundant life provided for us just for the asking. Seek and you shall find is one part of the process to help others. With growth in knowledge, we know what we needed to .

We truly need each other to share wisdom, knowledge and understanding. May we be willing to be open and share the goodness of the one greater other than ourselves who reads our hearts and direct our steps.

May 22

Are You On Solid Ground?

20160213_094720Stepping Out On Solid Ground?

Drawn to that which is dangerous, we can go out on a ledge. Nature has no mercy. It is a force that no man controls. Respecting that fact, we can enjoy its beauty and admire the majesty while staying at a safe distance.

It is wise to know our limitations and boundaries. Knowing we can be swept off our feet by that which is beautiful, perhaps even more powerful than we are, we must step back. What appears so stunning may also be a danger if the warning is not heeded.

We live in an amazing world, where life is filled with great adventures and challenging struggles. Just as ocean waves crash into the rocks or roll gently onto the beach, so it is with our emotions as we walk through life. Standing on the rock gives us a firm foundation, whereas shifting sands provide no security.

Choosing to experience each moment to the fullest, let us live while we are alive. By seeing what we can see, hearing what we can hear, and sharing what we can share, we are always taking a risk. Being vulnerable, authentic, and genuine may not be in a familiar comfort zone, yet it is in the best zone to be fully alive.






May 13

Piecing Life Together

20151216_110052Life May Be Puzzling

Diligently working on a quilt, carefully placing each piece, creates many opportunities to make this into a beautiful work of art. Choosing the materials, cutting each square, then strategically placing each one down creates an amazing design, ultimately finishing a one of a kind masterpiece .

This photo reveals one of many ways fabric can be put together. The artist/ creator of this quilt always has the final say. Shall it be a king size, as viewed in this picture, or shall it be cut down and made into lap quilts, thus creating several gifts for others? Whatever the final decision, action will be required to finish the work.

Just as the materials above must be put together like a puzzle, if not, they become another unfinished project. The key to this puzzle is knowing if we have all the pieces to put it together, or are we waiting for one more? Unfortunately there are times in life when we do not know the answers and things do not make sense. See the beauty that surrounds us, even in those puzzling times we call life.

May 12

Writing a new script in life

20160124_133700 Changes Like the Waves Are Never Ending

 When we experience change there is a certain feeling of disconnect. We can feel the sensation of being lost and not knowing what to do. There are times in life when things change drastically. What once was a very real circumstance or situation may no longer exist. Perhaps we changed locations, jobs, schools, or even relationships as life continues to press forward.  We also need to look within to see how each change effects us.

By visualizing one who is a script writer, ask yourself a few questions. What happens when the characters do not comply with the plot? When the script gets changed, how does the director take action? As we all can participate in this world living out our own scripts, how do we react if the plot thickens? What if the actors do not stay true to their lines? What if they refuse to play their part? What if they decided to play the part of another actor in this universal play?

We can all learn how to write a new script for our lives. If we need help we can tap into other resources and acquire their wisdom. There are many who have greater skills and knowledge than we do; perhaps they would be willing to share. What does it take to write a new script for our lives? Let’s encourage each other to grow, while teaching, supporting, and encouraging one another along the way.

May 02

Plans Change Again


Life Is A Beautiful Gift To Enjoy

Writing a to-do list, thinking we will get up and conquer the world, face our giants, climb the mountain of obstacles, and sit down and relax at the end of the day may sound like an awesome victory. Perhaps we will be successful in accomplishing a great deal and celebrate our small or large successes.

What do we do when we have these great expectations, desires, or demands and we are not able to accomplish them for one reason or another? Are we a failure? Do we view ourselves in a negative light because we were unable to complete something we thought was a good idea earlier?

Being alive, let us take time to see the beauty around us even if we have a tremendous amount of things to accomplish, or if we have nothing to do at this time. Understanding we are all viewing this new day in a different way, it is still a gift we can celebrate, with or without requirements to do anything. Today is a gift to enjoy. We are here and can see beauty in many ways, and express ourselves in the midst of the surroundings we live in. There are many wonderful reasons to celebrate our ability to live and breath and have our being. Are we willing to slow down and share these moments with others? Even if doing so may be just giving someone a flower, or sharing a smile, to do so can create memories for others to celebrate life as well.

Apr 29

Way too serious…


Scrabble Anyone?

What do you do for fun? How many times does someone ask that question? Have we lost sight of our need to relax and enjoy simple pleasures in life? In this day and age we are surrounded with the ability to gather whatever information we desire. We can be entertained or distracted by a variety of ways that never existed in the past.

With so many things available at our fingertips, are we missing opportunities to be with others face to face? Old fashion games were very valuable for entertainment and created many memories. Are they out-dated, never to return? How do we fill our basic needs for love and belonging as well as love in this generation of technology?

Many are busy texting or posting on Facebook, and appear to have many friends, yet suffer from extreme isolation and loneliness. It is a true gift to be able to spend time, face to face with others. It has been said, “If you can hang out with someone without talking, that is saying a whole lot!” It takes time to learn how to  be comfortable with others, whether having fun or being silent. It also takes effort.

Are we willing to risk sharing thoughts and emotions with the hope of building friendships and enjoying life? Do we always have to think about the challenges of the world we live in, or can we have time to relax and watch the sun go down? Is there an invisible sign that states we must be way too serious? Have we  forgot we are created to enjoy life? It is never to late to begin as we learn how to balance our responsibilities and take time to appreciate life’s beauty.

Apr 28

Making New Relationships

20160408_114349“Simple Beauty Grows All Around Us”

There are days when I do not think I can continue on doing what I am doing. Then I take time to capture in thought or with a camera, simple beauty, as these flowers proudly reveal as they grow outside a local post office.

I believe we all have those moments in time when everything seems to get turned upside down and chaos is everywhere. What do we do when we find ourselves in situations that are out of our control? How do we get help when everything seems so overwhelming? Many times in life we may withdraw from others due to circumstances, obligations, restrictions, or fear.

Then a time comes when we really need the love and support of others, even if we don’t know how to ask for help. If we were too busy to develop relationships in the past, or were not allowed to connect with others for a a variety of reasons, it is not too late to begin building new relationships now.

Courage isn’t having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don’t have strength. (Unknown)

It takes courage to face our fears and be vulnerable to share our thoughts, and even our hearts with others. Hopefully we will use wisdom and reach out to create new friendships and long lasting relationships. It is important to be trustworthy, and find trustworthy men and women who are willing to take risks and share their life experiences. This is a gift to all those willing to walk along side us in this journey we call life.


Apr 26

Being Yourself Without Permission

495“Each Individual & Unique Flower Is Living It’s Own Life”

How am I not myself? What a great question to ask ourselves. Are we bold enough to really think about this? For those who are willing to do so, they can find out it is awesome to actually contemplate the answers. What is the wisdom of others who say so flippantly, “Just be yourself”? How can we not be ourselves? Being authentic, unique and being true to ourselves is a great goal. Not everyone desires or is willing to do so. Living outside of the box (arena) that other people think we should live in can be painful.

Why do we think it is important to gain the approval of others, so much so, that we strive to try to be something other than what we really are? Whether short and sweet, or long and drawn out, we must determine what really matters in the long run?

Taking time to reflect on the meaning of life one may recognize the futility of striving to become something or someone else, especially if it is only to climb to the top to try to be successful. Is success defined in a career that may provide abundance with money in the bank? What about being rich in relationships, good health, and spirituality?

Not judging others along this journey, more questions come to the surface. At the end of the day we all may hope to arrive where we belong. Once there, what will we find? Does it all come back to the simple fact we should enjoy life and celebrate who we are created to be? Let us embrace those we are fortunate to have in our lives each day and encourage them as they become more authentic as well.

Apr 25

Does Anybody Care I’m Hurting?

615“One Place of Refuge When the Our World Falls Apart”

Many times we may wonder, “Does anybody care what we are going through”? We have a secret world others are not aware of and we may guard it closely to protect ourselves from any prying eyes. Yet we also hope secretly that there is at least one who is aware of our pain and might ask if we are OK? Is the spirit of the good Samaritan still alive that passed by and acted upon that which others ignored? He was one who saw another human being suffering and reached out to help.

Do we think that we are exempt from the humbling experience of pain, suffering and need? Do we categorize those who are supposedly less fortunate to a realm of purposeful failure, therefore deserving of their fate? What happens to our minds when we find ourselves in those same circumstances, all without our consent or wrong doing?

Depression, anxiety, fear, anger, and other negative emotions run the gamete, coming into play when we find ourselves in circumstances beyond our control. They are so painful and we can not comprehend it, nor know how to handle it. What do we do when we  do not know what to do?

These are times when we need others who are willing to be supportive, love us unconditionally, and are dependable to give us good counsel. They have no hidden agendas, are not manipulative, and have our best interest at heart. When we find ourselves in a place of vulnerability, it is truly a blessing to have others in our live who can stand beside us. They share a word of encouragement, a hug, or will be a silent companion willing to sit and be still in a painful environment. These are the times when we can give thanks for those who are gifts sharing life and love no matter what circumstances we are facing.

Apr 24

Now It’s Time


142“Taking time to relax and sketch outdoors is awesome”

How many times have we heard someone say it is time to leave,  go, stop, or to wait? How many times have we asked the simple question,”What time is it”? Is it time to get back to work, study, or time to eat?

There are some who say time is an illusion so it doesn’t matter what time it is. There are others who seem to live in or struggle with a type of strange time warp. It is funny how so many are amazed at how time seems to fly asking, :”Where did the time go”?

Many talk about living in the ‘Now’. What time is that? We also may be told we should practice living in the present. Again, the present is right now, whatever time that is. We have created a system that is set up with a standard to measure time. We accepted these standards and acknowledge time by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

It is fascinating to realize that different locations on earth have different time zones, each influencing the time of day. Keeping that in mind, when we begin to stress about something being late, or worry there’s not enough time to finish our project, or complete our goals, perhaps we could re-frame our thinking. It is important to be responsible and take care of business in a timely manner. Yet there will always be more to do, more to say, more to see and more to learn.

Balancing work and play, let’s prioritize our time and purposely tell others how important they are to us. For in the big scheme of things, at the end of the day, love and relationships that we have been built over time are most valuable.