Sep 27

Not Sure?


There are times when we just don’t know the why’s or the what’s that come into our lives. We question the purpose of things that seem to come out of no where. We have many questions, perhaps as simple as, “What is with this picture? What is it and what significance does it have? The fact is we may not always know the what’s or why’s of things. Sometimes we have to acknowledge things are just the way they are, and many times appear to have no apparent reason. We can choose to embrace ‘Acceptance’ during those times, seeing it as a gift we can give to ourselves. In doing so, we can enjoy peace knowing it is OK not knowing.

Sep 27

A Beautiful Sight


When asking someone how are they, many times we hear them say, ” I have been really busy!” Busy as a bee? Has this become the norm in our lives? Perhaps being busy is an excuse, a justification of some sort, or a silent plea for help in this crazy world we all live in. Unfortunately, being over committed and over stimulated, we still give into the demands of life. Doing so we may find ourselves standing on the edge of burnout. It is possible to slow down and see the beauty that surrounds us. This picture has captured a moment in time. It reveals a beautiful flower yielding itself to the gentle caresses of a small honey bee. I love seeing nature as it surrenders to its creative purpose.There is so much more we miss seeing because we hurry through this journey called life. It is great to slow down and become mindful of even the smallest of things. Let’s take a moment each day to search for the hidden beauty, surprises, new gifts, big or small, that come our way.

Feb 27

Watching Your Step?

We all agree that stepping on a sticky piece of gum on a hot summer day can interrupt our stride. It will get real messy unless we stop and take care of the situation. I don’t recall ever hearing someone rejoicing when they suddenly recognized there was a gooey, foreign object, stuck to the bottom of their shoe.What do we do, just kick off our sneakers and keep going? Not likely. It is profitable in many ways to slow down and watch our step. By doing so, where ever we go in life, it may save us much time, grief or heart ache in the future.

Feb 26

We Are Not Alone

At times we may feel alone, although there may be forces we can not see that constantly surround us. Is it possible this picture captured a force bigger than myself? Shadow or reflection, both are a guess, for whatever the reason, the answer still cannot be explained. This is a great illustration how we may perceive ourselves one way, while others perceive us differently. Can they see or feel something we do not? It has been said, “Life is an illusion.” We know there is more to life than meets the eye. In this life, it is good to remember we can have more questions than answers. The key to success is to keep asking, the answers are on their way.



Feb 20

Are you hiding or stuck?

At times in our life we wonder if anyone would notice if we disappeared. Although we may try, did we really? Perhaps we think no one can see us when we try to hide. Yet, to others it is obvious exactly where we are. As time passes and there is no communication with others, we need to remember silence can be misinterpreted. There is an unknown message still being sent. It is important to realize we need each other and reach out when we are able.


Feb 09

Hearing the Waves Roar?

373Simplicity of Life

As beautiful as the beach can be, the time may come when we need to take cover, withdraw to rest or take care of business. This simple shelter can provide a few moments of privacy for a quick change of clothing. In addition, it can be a semi-secure place to take a brief nap, or to be inside and still listen to the waves roar. Obviously, to live on the beach vs. visiting the beach are two different experiences. For now, fantasies of laying on the warm sandy beach can create a great image to look forward to in the future.

Feb 08

To Be Opened Soon?


Many times in life we desire the ability to make changes. At other times we refuse to surrender and fight that which must occur. We experience a sense of confusion, not knowing what we can depend upon or what will happen next. One door shuts and another hasn’t opened.

Knowing we lack knowledge, and in unfamiliar territory, we can stop and seek help. Entering into a new career, relationship, or unique business opportunity can be scary. What is behind the only door presented to us? Is it safe to knock? What happens when we do? Will someone answer? Whatever mystery is behind the door, it can only be solved when someone is willing to wait until it is opened.

Can we be patient during this time of uncertainty? As each season changes it creates transitions in our lives. Circumstances present situations that place us in front of many doors over time. We have the freedom to choose what to do. Do we walk on by, or do we stop and see if a new door opens? We may find, once the door has opened, a whole new realm of hope. Once inside we can have a different point of view and enjoy tremendous opportunities for a new life.

Feb 06

Sharing Space


These amazing trees have grown together as they persevered the elements of time. Planted long ago, it was determined they would share their space as they began to reach for the sky. Their roots became deeply meshed and intermingled. They quickly spread throughout the soil looking for nourishment and water. As time passed, each stood alone, triumph over all the challenges of wind and storms. Basking in sunshine, they celebrate the life they were created to become.

We also may have others in our life that are planted next to us and share our space. Together, our roots continue to grow deeper as we seek nourishment for our body and soul. Although we are very unique and individual beings, just as each of these trees represent, we also are intermingled in the hearts and minds of others. Together we too may blossom, basking in the warmth of the sun, while enjoying the beauty of life all around us.

Feb 05

Life Like Burnt Toast?


Some things in life may be taken for granted until they no longer function. Basically we can call them ‘toast’. What happens at that point? Do we just toss them, or do they go else where, perhaps hidden for possible use in the future?

It is nice to have a toaster to make special warm treats any time of the day. We can enjoy breakfast with toast or an English muffin covered in butter and jelly. For dinner we can add garlic bread with our beautiful  spaghetti. But when a toaster begins to burn it’s contents, it is instantly viewed in a different light. It is no longer seen as a faithful friend to be depended on. It no longer pops up that perfectly toasted slice of deliciousness. Now it has to be watched like a hawk so it doesn’t secretly go on a burning rampage. A decision eventually has to be made when it is time to literally let it go?

In the same way, we need to recognize when other areas have become ‘toast’. When we find our lives turned upside down, dealing with the crumbs scattered everywhere. If our toast is constantly popping up burnt, it is time to make some drastic choices. Do we continually try to it clean up, perhaps soak it, then  wash the exterior until it is shiny once again? When do we accept the facts? Some things are  toast, burned out, over done, and no longer desirable. Once we acknowledge this reality we can let go, act accordingly, and make room for the new and improved version of our life.

Living with no regrets we shall live while we are alive. Enjoy being real.


Feb 04

A New Beginning, Again?

Our Beautiful Home

When we experience life changing events, they will always take time to process emotionally, mentally and physically. During this transition, time continues to pass. Every twenty four hours mark another day on our calendar. We know with each new morning there follows a brand new day. As simple as that sounds, it is important to remember we have never ‘spent’ this day before.

And so it is… A new beginning, all over again. A day we have not yet experienced, in a time we have not seen before, bringing lessons that are only beginning to unfold. Let us embrace each new journey with a heart of joy and great expectations.



Aug 30

What Does That Mean?

1-3-11 447Willing to Search the Horizons to Find the Answers

How do we view the question, “What does that mean”? Being silent has multiple reasons. Seeing something that takes our breath away, so stunning, so awesome, can leave us speechless. Perhaps a beautiful experience occurred and all our words fail to describe it.

Shock and awe is another form of energy that can interfere with the ability to communicate. It is difficult to ask questions or speak out, let alone explain what is happening. Many times we may not possess the qualifications or communication skills to be able to share our thoughts clearly with others. We can become frustrated without the psychological and cognitive resources needed to speak.

‘What does it mean’,can be viewed as a question of curiosity, or one of a veiled threat and challenge to authority! Every individual that is curious, has a desire to learn, can ask simple questions and wait to find the answers. It is a good thing to take time to increase our knowledge and understanding. It is a powerful gift of freedom to ask simple questions and to know for ourselves “What does it mean”?

Aug 26

Silence is Broken

fall 08 077In life there are times we encounter a beauty that is unexplained. It can pass so quickly we might not consciously acknowledge its presence. Yet our hearts were quickened and our senses heightened. We beheld the invisible in all its glory. What is that which is so full of life, passion and excitement?

What captivated the depth of our soul without our mind being able to comprehend the experience? That which is unseen yet felt, known but never fully understood, is available to be embraced. Those willing to be vulnerable, risk takers, and completely surrendered may enjoy this powerful force forever. No performance required, no rituals or duties, this unconditional gift is called Love.

Let us love one another.